Haldihaath.com is an intermediary, by your positive acts of accessing haldihaath.com, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth below. if you do not agree with any of these terms and conditions, you are not allow to access or use haldihaath.com
1. The website Haldihaath.com found at the uniform resource locator id – www.haldihaath.com – has been set up and promoted, and is maintained, by Haldihaath team, which term shall, for the purposes hereof, be deemed to include employees, agents, attorneys, accountants and any person vested with any responsibility for any task relating to the affairs of the company), with its registered office currently located at Chandermukhi Printers, Metro Road , Jamalpur, Ludhiana-141010
2. The website is intended only to serve as a intermediary medium of contact and information for its users / members / visitors who have a bona fide intention to enter into a matrimonial alliance will be immediately banned .
3. Haldihaath.com presumes that each and every single member / user / visitor, who log on to the website has an intention to get married / enter into a matrimonial alliance ,no circumstances shall be responsible for any loss or damage resulting from anyone’s use of the Site or the Service and / or any Content posted on the web Site or transmitted to users / Members. The exchange of matrimonial profile(s) through or by haldihaath.com shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to any individual arising in/out of, or subsequent to, matrimonial relations to use of the service provided by haldihaath.com
4. Haldihaath collects information / data including e-mail id, mail address, first name, last name, telephone number, date of birth, age, gender, appearance, religion, occupation, preferences, life style information, general geographical location from its visitors / users in order to create their unique profiles. Apart from this, certain other information including physical and mental disabilities are also collected.
5. All information uploaded by the user themselves or through any of the haldihaath offline centres meant to be displayed on the open website located on www.haldihaath.com becomes public knowledge .
6. The user undertakes not to duplicate, download publish, modify and distribute material on haldihaath.com unless specifically authorized by haldihaath in this regard. The user undertakes not to establish any deep link or other connection to any specific page of haldihaath.
7. The user undertakes to use haldihaath.com for his/her personal purposes. Using content fromhaldihaath.com for creating derivative works with a commercial motive without prior written consent from haldihaath is strictly prohibited.
8. Any advice, counseling, recommendations or information provided at haldihaath.com including information ofhaldihaath.com members may not be necessarily correct.
9. By listing a matrimonial profile, or a business or personal listing or a link, or any content or listing, on haldihaath.com, the person or persons making or posting such listing, and the person or persons responsible for such posting or listing.
10. Haldihaath shall not be held responsible for any interactions/ passing of information(s) etc. between any user / member / visitor via e-mail, chat or any other medium with another member / user / visitor and haldihaath has no obligation, to monitor any such disputes between arising between the users/members and haldihaath shall not be party to such dispute/litigation etc.