Yes, you can register on behalf of relative or friend. You need to specify the relation in the application form, whose profile you are registering in the
You can get free services on registering in the
I You can post free profile on Haldihaath which works like an ad in the newspaper with no cost
II Upload Your free photo on Haldihaath
III Set your partner preferences
IV Search and view profiles without any restrictions
V Express interest in other members and respond to members who requested on you
VI Shortlist profile which are matching your profile criteria
Nothing , you need not to pay anything for registering in the Haldihaath.
It take less than 5 minutes to complete your profile on Haldihaath and yo upload your profile picture.
Yes, The more information you will convey in the profile, there are more chances to get contacted by other members.
In such a case choose “other” or “does’nt matter” provided in the options. Also, you can send an email to with the new listing you want to make in the Haldihaath.
Vegan is a diet that exclude fish,meat and any products that are derived from any living animal.
A profile id uniquely identify your profile on Every member of Haldihaath has a unique profile id . It appears on the top of the profile. It is used to login the website/app.
The partner profile describe ypur partner preferences in th website/app. When other member whi think he/she is meeting with your partner preference criteria , they can send you interest.Also, in dashboard you will see only those profiles who meet your partner preference criteria.
You can simply post your verified documents like Adhaar card, Pan card, Voter card in the adhar card option in the website.
No, Every matrimonial id require different number and email id.
While signing up in Haldihaath you will be sent an OTP including 4 digits, when you enter OTP you number will be verified successfully.
Partner preference is a feature provided by Haldihaath to define your ideal groom/bride and set your suitability criteria.
Free members can not see your contact number.
Paid members can view the verified mobile numbers of other numbers.
Call our 24*7 helpline number : 7888492728
Choose the membership plan you want to get and select the payment mode, this will get you to the payment portal of the website , where you can pay through Debit card /Credit card /Net banking.
Easy payment mode where we will visit you at you home and collect the payment. This service is currently available in selected cities of Punjab.
You can send a cheque or demand draft along with your matrimonial id to our address.
Profile setting are that section where you can update your password, deactivate your profile and permanently delete the profile.
To access profile settings, Log in to Haldihaath with Matrimonial id/email and password. In home page there is a section head called Account settings.